Siege For Yourself v1.0 Released

Tags: game_dev

I’ve made a few posts before about the game my team and I made for the 2023 GMTK Game Jam (1, 2, 3). In the months since the jam, Terry, Kyle, and I have been hard at work de-jankifying the game, and we’ve finally reached a point where we’re happy to put out a new release, version 1.0.

You can download or play the game for free on our page.

Update Details 🔗

The first thing you’ll notice is a major graphical overhaul. It turns out that even I am capable of making pixel art that isn’t completely terrible, as long as I’m not in a time crunch. I’ve added a picture below that shows the difference. Clicking the image will toggle between the old and new versions.

Aside from this, we’ve fixed countless bugs, untangled spaghetti code, introduced some new cards to the game, and fixed more bugs that adding those cards introduced. You can find the full patch notes list here.

Future Plans 🔗

There are a few more things I want to do before I can be fully satisfied with the game. One of them is to make a real tutorial. Over Thanksgiving, I showed the game to my family, and it was immediately clear how many things I didn’t realize people wouldn’t realize. Playtesting is crucial, and in this case it uncovered just how incomplete the existing tutorial was.

Aside from that I have a few ideas on general improvements to make the game look and feel better. Keep your eyes peeled for another release hopefully soon. Until then, Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas!